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Insensitive or Too Sensitive?

Ahlan + Wasahlan = Assalamualaikum...

Today we're going to talk about something that hurts, mostly to woman's because it has to do with something called feelings. I say.... let me just simplt talking in malay. Im not in a mood to being a britain right now.

Ehem. From the title, we all know that feelings can be hurted, which leads us to think-- am I being too sensitive? Or insensitive? Too sensitive ni bermaksud auch, if someone hurts your feelings, even just a slight harsh words, or maybe a bit anger, IM GOING TO CRYYYYY!!! (well, that's me literally hehe)

Actually, Im not going to give a literature speech about the topic. When Im here, I am going to talk with you, dear blog. I want to confess my feelings, whom had just been hurted just now. And Im just finished my cryinggg~

Okay, korang bayangkanlah. I was born with super nice character, kind-hearted which I really loved to help people. Although sometimes I was like, 'damn, you can do that by yourself', but I still help them. If you want me to iron your cloth just because you're super damn busy that day, I'll help you (eventhough I am also super busy). If you want me to help you with your schoolwork, just because you're not familiar or not that good in the school works, I'll help you with that. Basically, I'll do everything to ease people's works. I JUST LOVE HELPING.

But then, one day, I am a bit busy. I want you to help me sending my assignment to lecturer's table because you're on your way to there. You give me a boxes of excuse and started blabbing and nagging saying I should do that by myself. AKU TAKNAK LA UNGKIT PERTOLONGAN AKU KAT KAU SELAMA NI SEBAB TAKNAK PAHALA AKU HILANG. But please, can't you have a bit of common sense? Are you living life just to please yourself?

So please, dear people out there. In living this life, you're not dealing with your own matters. Taking care of each others also a common sense to give out happiness. I am not saying this to hurt anyone, because at last, I know I am the one who will be hurted. Being nice everytime doesn't mean people will do the same thing to you, because everyone have their own perspective and definition of life.

And let me be just me. Super nice, but being rejected everytime. Im used to it. Thank you. May Allah bless you :)
Everything Good Is From Allah SWT, Praise Only Him: Alhamdulillah :)

2 ulasan:

  1. waalaikumsalam.
    "please, can't you have a bit of common sense? Are you living life just to please yourself?"
    haha, biasalah manusia ni pelbagai. hidup gitulah. but you did the right thing. so teruskan. "Basically, I'll do everything to ease people's works. I JUST LOVE HELPING". ikhlaskan. dan biarkan hidup berjalan!

    ade org kate xnk "being a britain" tetapi sekali pandang, malay dalam tu,
    "Too sensitive ni bermaksud | korang bayangkanlah. | AKU TAKNAK LA UNGKIT PERTOLONGAN AKU KAT KAU SELAMA NI SEBAB TAKNAK PAHALA AKU HILANG. | Ceramah Free Oleh."

    maaf maaf bukan bertujuan untuk hurting. joke sahaja,sorry..
    MATRAYE Meow!
